Video Bladi Si Tu Quieres
Unfortunately I had a very unpleasent experience with the singer called Bladi El Melodico.
I do not want to go into personal details, I can only say that he did not do his part in paying me for the job that I was hired for. I put a lot of work into this clip and it was not fair at all.
In the description of the video that is posted on YouTube, he took off all the credit I had in the production of the video. (But I copied the original text and also attached a photo taken with the mobile way earlier before he had the chance to delete it).
This does not mean that I did not like working on this project, on the contrary, I worked with great enthusiasm. Every day of filming was unforgettable for me. Thanks to this project I have fulfilled another one of my goals and I have met formidable people along the way, with whom I am happy to work in other future projects.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all those people and especially Florina Cobzaru, for being very understanding and devoted to our project.
Ante todo queremos dar las gracias a todas las personas que aportaron su granito de arena para que este proyecto se haga realidad.
Gracias a las siguientes empresas:
– Heron Diversia
– Oxen
– Bolera Ilusiona City
– Bar Toscana
– Bar 30ytres EnotecaProducción:
– Constantin Dragos Neacsu (Director, Editor y Productor)
– Jean Carlo Santos Ogando (Manager, Productor y Asistente de Dirección)
– Jacobo Carmona de Gómez-Sellés (Asesor Financiero y Asistente de Producción)
– Daysi Roldán Santiana (Directora de Casting)
– Maria Teresa Ogando Marcos (Catering y Asistente Producción)
– Elena Fernandez (Maquillaje y Peluqueria)
– Lidia Lorite Martinez (Maquillaje y Peluqueria)Gracias a las siguientes personas:
Jesus Soria Medina,Sara Duran, Ana Gonzalez Soria,Florina Cobzaru,Jose Luis Martinez,Maria Arrayo Garrido, Jennifer Gonzalez,Alberto Muñoz Diaz,Rocio Arrenillas,Rafa Barrio,Michael Walsh Romeo,Miguel Marrillas Marti,Leyre Martin Cervera,Ainara Villar Murillo,Kathia Quispe Ordoñez, Andres Gutierez Ogando,Roxana Elena,Jennifer Rodriguez Rodado,Estefania Vera Sanchez,Stepanny Paolo Prado Cuero,Adela Arconada Hernandez,Hajar Envakach Selsabile,Alba Gonzalez y Lupita Rodriguez Dominguez.
Nov 14, 2015