With Virtual Reality as a technological novelty. I wanted to start a project to be able to bring this technology to as many people as possible.
Virtual Reality as a technology is still a novelty for some. So I started a project that allows me to be able to bring this technology to as many people as possible.
A friend of mine, Geo, shared the same idea with me and we decided to work together to achieve our goal.
We had to start somewhere, so we went to the Salera Mall to see if there is a possible free place for us.
We took some photos of the place and then created a basic scheme of how our virtual reality experiences place would look like.
Once the project was presented to the director of CC SALERA and he agreed on it, we started to prepare everything.
We ordered fences and special tables for our enclosure, and besides that, we also bought two monitors, two high-end PCs, two RV equipments, four sensor stands and even a red carpet among other stuff. It was a pretty serious investment.
But it was all worth it as the project on C.C. Salera was a real success, and for that we wanted to open a special place just for it.
For various reasons, the project at the new location did not work as we expected, which unfortunately forced us to close the business. We are not sorry for anything, more so, we are glad to have undertaken this path. Having tried this, we learned certain lessons that will surely help us in the future to understand and improve our future businesses.
People were doing 2 separate queues to enjoy the virtual reality experiences offered by VR-EXPERIENCE, it was a joy to see people that happy.
Santi IzCas
Even if the location was gone, the private projects kept coming. VR birthday parties, big events, business events, etc.
Therefore VR-EXPERIENCE still remains a recognizable brand with great power in the intended market.
Oct 22, 2016